Tuesday 28 October 2014

'Fall Back Friday' Lady

Not my own photography - Mexxie4eva

You should know what I mean by that, the lady who takes everything on the chin and then backs his behaviour up by convincing herself that ‘he doesn't mean to be like that’..’i know he cares about me’...’he loves me, he does, he took me to Nandos once’.
Reality Check Time
I hate to be the Debby Downer but you need to realise that ‘you will only get treated the way you allow people to treat you’.. Now obviously some of us females find ourselves in a position whereabouts the guy didn't show any signs that you weren't as important as he made you feel. They initially treat you special, and then the cracks in the wall start to show.
It’s one of the biggest and hardest forms of heartbreak in any kind of relationship! To know you invested so much into someone and yet that just wasn’t enough for them to be who you thought they was or should I say who you wanted them to be.
He has to be emotionally available to you otherwise it’s a waste of time, I know some people love to go with the flow but if he isn’t showing signs of interest in your heart it’s time to kick him to the curb. Your heart has no time to waste.
You as a woman have to know what you can accept and what you can’t! 
It takes experience to know that it isn’t as simple as it has been put, the vast majority of woman I know would have a huge list of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ yet when it comes down to the actuality of it they fly out of the window without their knowledge. I know a lot of us think we wouldn't stand for certain things and then we get into a situation and before we know it we become a woman against our very own word. It the art of manipulation, some guys know how to turn on the ‘perfect guy’ act, saying things and talking in a manner that make you think they are the man of your dreams. Now it is a big shame for the good guy who genuinely is who he says but we all know there are too many wolves in sheep skin out here. We need to be vigilant.
Having your heart broken once is bad enough yet alone having it repeat, we all deserve someone to love and care for us like we need but some of us kiss many frogs along that journey.
Don’t get me wrong though some men do change but the flip side is some don’t and if certain repeated behaviour is being forgiven, one has to be willing to take the risk of it reoccurring.
My ultimate advice is do not give up on true love and don’t look at all guys out there as crooks because I know some guys have been hurt too. I can’t sit here and say there are ’10 ultimate signs that he isn’t phoney’ because they come in different shapes and sizes nowadays but I will say ‘communicate how you feel’ if you feel neglected or like he isn’t pulling his weight, his response to your complaint should give you the ultimate answer. DO NOT SUFFER IN SILENCE and expect him to read your mind. In some men’s defence they just don’t know how to communicate well with woman and some ladies expect them to automatically know what’s up.
Let him know your value and appreciate him too, not all guys will treat you like a 'fallback' chick or mess around but don’t settle because you think it’s going to get better.
Remember it is better to be alone than to be alone in a relationship!

Hope that post will be of some help or at least a boost for someone - I will be posting up a video explaining a bit more about myself and what I intend to do within my blog and on Youtube :)

Have a lovely day!

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